Textbook Orders
Use the button below to order textbooks. You may also purchase your own using the lists below.
For books ordered by August 5, purchasers may choose to have the books delivered to their advisors room or available for pickup in the bookstore. Books ordered after August 5 will be available for pickup in the bookstore.
Reminder: Parents receive between 35–50% of the cost of their student’s textbooks as a credit on their student billing account when they sell the books back to the Bengal Bookstore at the end of the year. For example: The average student spends $350 for textbooks, but after a 40% credit the net cost is $210.
If you choose to purchase your books through an online site such as Amazon, we will be unable to buy back those books at the end of the school year. We can only buy back books that were purchased in the Bengal Bookstore.
Please contact Anna Wagoner, 336-288-8590, ext. 216 or annawagoner@greensboroday.org for questions about the Bengal Bookstore.
Spanish I, II, III, IV
Use the link below to order the Descubre textooks required for Spanish I–IV.
Textbook Lists
Textbook Questions?