In alignment with the mission of the School, Board committees advance the goals established by the Board of Trustees and support the strategic work of the school in the areas of school budget, investments, accounting practices, fundraising, campus facilities, advancement, and diversity and belonging. Board committees make recommendations directly to the Board of Trustees on matters referred to them or falling within their respective field of interest.
Depending on the strategic goals of the school, the Board of Trustees may convene an ad hoc subcommittee to help accomplish the current goals and needs of the school such as a construction committee or campaign committee.
*Committees open to non-trustee members are identified with an asterisk .
*Advancement Committee
The Advancement Committee of the Board of Trustees of Greensboro Day School concentrates on programs related to the identification, cultivation, solicitation and stewardship of key community stakeholders and shall advise and consult with the Board on matters in these areas. The Committee shall collaborate with the Advancement Director to recommend to the Board any necessary action in relative areas and shall discuss issues related to the overall advancement of Greensboro Day School.
*Buildings and Grounds Committee
The Buildings and Grounds Committee provides input, information and advice to the administration of Greensboro Day School concerning the physical plant of the school including structures, grounds, maintenance, security, and technology.
The Committee on Trustees manages the Board of Trustees nominating process and submits to the Board of Trustees names of persons nominated for election as Trustees and as officers of the corporation and such other committees as the Chair of the Board may appoint at his or her discretion. The work of this committee shall meet all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
The Diversity and Belonging Committee shall provide strategic guidance to the Board of Trustees and the trustees committees in an effort to strengthen the School’s diversity and belonging efforts. The strategic guidance should support the Board and committee goals in addition to the goals and action items stated in the Strategic Plan.
The Committee shall collaborate with the Head of School and the administrative liaison for the Diversity & Belonging Committee to plan agenda items, recommend professional development, and discuss relevant issues related to the School’s diversity and belonging efforts.
*Finance AND aUDIT Committee
The Finance & Audit Committee provides financial leadership and guidance to the administrators of Greensboro Day School to assist them in operating the school in a fiscally responsible manner, and to the Board of Trustees in support of the mission statement and strategic and long-term goals.
The Finance & Audit Committee also assists the Trustees in their financial and compliance oversight responsibilities by ensuring the fidelity of the internal accounting and independent audit process by evaluating the integrity of audited annual financial statements, the adequacy of internal controls, and the resolution of weaknesses or deficiencies identified by the independent auditor; ensuring the independence, professional qualifications, and performance of the independent auditor; reviewing IRS Form 990 before its filing and ensure its timely dissemination to all Trustees; and ensuring compliance with applicable law and GDS’s policy concerning conflicts of interest through the independent auditing process or by additional procedures.
The Finance and Audit Committee also supports the school’s relationship with its investment consultant and evaluates comparative endowment benchmark data points for spending rates, portfolio performance, and allocation strategies; supports the school’s relationship with its ERISA consultant and reviews the 403 (b) plan structure and ERISA compliance; and provides the school with maximum fiduciary protection by evaluating and assessing the service agreement with the school’s retirement consultant to ensure they are providing GDS employees with the tools and educational sessions necessary to understand and assess their retirement planning choices.