Thanks to the extraordinary generosity and support of our parents, alumni, and school community, Greensboro Day School has been an educational leader in the Triad for more than 50 years. No matter how you give to Greensboro Day School, you are creating a legacy for our students that will last far into the future. Thank you for your support!
Ways to Give
Annual Fund
The Annual Fund is Greensboro Day School’s top fundraising priority each year.
The Annual Fund touches the lives of every student and teacher at GDS by providing vital, unrestricted support for our operating budget. These unrestricted gifts allow us to be nimble and responsive to the changing needs and demands of our institution.
At GDS, tuition covers about 93% of our annual budget; charitable giving helps make up the rest. We are grateful to have such strong support for the Annual Fund from the entire GDS community, including parents, alumni, faculty and staff, parents of alumni, grandparents, and friends of the school.
The 1970 Society
The 1970 Society recognizes gifts of $1,970 or more. As the premier leadership donors of the school, The 1970 Society holds special events with the Head of School, allows you to connect with leaders in our community, and celebrates our successes together.
Endowments provide the foundation that allows mature institutions to grow, ensuring long-term stability and financial health.
These permanent savings accounts help cover almost every component that is significant to the GDS mission. By generating investment income, endowments can support every current student while also ensuring the future success of Greensboro Day School.
Gifts to Endowment Funds
Gifts to endowment may be in the form of cash, securities, property, or other tangible items to be sold with the money placed in a permanent fund.
Planned gifts such as charitable remainder trusts, life insurance, and bequests in wills are often considered the most efficient and effective way to provide money for endowment. It is important to understand that planned giving is not endowment any more than endowment is planned giving; the former is a type of fund, and the latter is a fundraising vehicle.
A gift of any size to any endowment fund may be made in honor or memory of a special person to an existing endowment fund.
GDS has both general and donor-restricted endowment funds.
GDS Endowed Funds
Program Support
Undesignated Endowment Fund: Income from this fund supports the school’s operating expenses, including faculty salaries and professional development, student financial assistance, building and campus maintenance, utilities, and student programs such as athletics and drama. Earnings from this important endowment provide an additional source of revenue to fund operating expenses supported in large part by tuition, fees, and the Annual Fund. A percentage of the Annual Fund is designated to this endowment fund each year. Some donors give to this fund to forever endow their annual fund gift.
Media Center Endowment: Income is used to fund needs of the two media centers.
Ahlport Library Fund: Established in 1999 by Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Ahlport, parents of Eric Ahlport ’06, this endowment funds acquisitions and collections for both libraries/media centers.
Julie Boylan ’00 Memorial Library Endowment: Established in 1991 by Jacqueline and David Boylan, the fund supports one or both of the libraries’/media centers’ acquisitions and collections in memory of Julie Boylan ’00.
Frank Brenner Coach’s Award Endowment: Established in 2004 in honor of Alumni Parent Frank Brenner, father of Matthew Brenner ’03 and Molly Brenner ’05, the annual award is given to a member of the GDS coaching staff who best exemplifies the leadership and sportsmanship qualities expected of all GDS athletes.
Russell Andrew Britt ’97 Endowment Fund: Established in 2006 in memory of alumnus Russell Britt ’97 by his family and friends, the fund encourages and equips interested faculty to promote the exploration of the natural world, to coax creative expression, and influence their students through teaching.
Brodie Endowment for Diversity and Tolerance: Established in 1996, the fund supports diversity programs. The Brodies are parents of Alex Brodie ’95, Ben Brodie ’00, and Mark Brodie ’03.
Sue W. Cole Women’s Sports Endowment: Established in 2000 in honor of parent and trustee Sue Cole, mother of Adrienne Cole ’96 and Suzanne Cole Yaver ’00, the fund supports women’s sports programs.
Dr. Ronald L. Davis III and Elizabeth T. “Kee” Davis Community Service Endowment: Established in 2005 by the parents of Elizabeth Davis ’00 and Anne Davis ’03, this fund supports expenses related to K–12 community service activities at Greensboro Day School.
The Davis/Richmond Endowment: Established in 1996 in honor of the first girls basketball coaches Kathy Davis and Sue Richmond, the fund supports women's varsity basketball with a student award as well as the purchase of uniforms and other equipment for the program.
FACEOFF Lacrosse Endowment: Established in 2008, the award recognizes a junior or senior boys lacrosse player who represents excellence in scholarship and sportsmanship and provides program funds. Anyone with an interest in supporting GDS lacrosse is welcome to give to this endowment.
Fish and Upton College Counseling Endowment: Established in 2019 by an anonymous donor, the Fish and Upton College Counseling Endowment directs funds to the operations needed for the College Counseling office. The endowment celebrates both Tricia Fish and Jackie Upton, two professionals who helped the program grow in stature and reputation. Their care for students was a hallmark of the program that continues today.
David Gilbert Global Education Endowed Fund: In recognition for his 44 years of service to Greensboro Day School, Anne and Sam Hummel established the endowment to reflect the school’s ongoing commitment to global education, a hallmark of David Gilbert’s career at GDS.
Joseph L. Gorga Family Endowment: Being involved in textile technology throughout his life, Joseph L. Gorga was a big proponent of science and math. To honor his legacy, his wife Carolyn and children Matthew ’08 and Caroline ’05 established the Joseph L. Gorga Family Endowment, which directs funds primarily to enriching activities or equipment for teachers and students in the areas of math and/or science.
The Charles A. Hayes Athletic Endowment: Established in 1994, the fund supports the athletic program. The late Mr. Hayes is the grandfather of Krystyn Hayes ’03, Ryan Hayes ’07, Shannon Holbrook Burris ’90, Gary Holbrook ’95, David Holbrook ’99, Melanie Wagoner Garner ’93, and Chuck Wagoner ’94.
The Headmaster’s Discretionary Fund Endowment: Established in 2003 by Mrs. Margaret Brooks, a founding supporter with her husband Thornton Brooks, the fund is used at the discretion of the Head of School to provide financial resources to assist students, faculty, or staff in the GDS community in times of great need.
Henschen Library Endowment: Established in 1994, this endowment funds purchases for the libraries/media centers. Ellen Henschen was a former PA president and trustee; she and husband Gary are the parents of Josef Henschen ’99, Samuel Henschen ’03, and Elizabeth Henschen ’06.
The Hull Library Endowment: This fund was established in 1999 by alumnus Michael Hull ’76 (now deceased), father of Meredith Hull ’05 and Michael Hull ’16. The fund supports acquisitions and collections for both media centers.
Freddy Johnson Athletics Endowment: Established in 2021, the endowment directs funds to the general operations of all of the sports teams at Greensboro Day School. The endowment reflects Freddy Johnson’s commitment to every athlete in every sport for his outstanding service as athletic director.
The Gail M. LeBauer Endowment for Girls Leadership: Established in 2020, this endowment will fund the GDS Girls’ Forum, which will provide essential, local, and national opportunities for girls at GDS to make meaning of the world around them in ways that build competence, confidence, and vision.
The Long Family Endowment: Established in 1995 by parents Kathryn and Bobby Long, this fund supports the general needs of Greensboro Day School. They are the parents of Katie Long Stevenson ’99 and Robert Long ’02.
The Roger Moore Endowment for Latin Studies: This fund was established in 1994 with a gift from The Oscar and Mossie Teague Foundation, Inc., and named The Teague Endowment for Latin Studies. The purpose is to encourage students to take Latin in the Upper School by providing funds for school-sponsored travel to countries involved in the study of Latin. Upon the retirement of Roger Moore in December 2011, the fund was renamed by the Teague Foundation to honor Mr. Moore’s many years of service to GDS.
Neptune Outdoor Experiential Learning Endowment: Established in 2019, this endowment will help the Junior Backpacking Trip and other outdoor experiential learning at Greensboro Day School.
Neptune Endowment: Established in 2003, this fund provides supplemental revenue to support the school’s annual operating expenses. The family who established the fund wishes to remain anonymous.
Samet Family Endowment: Established in 2021 by Arthur and Emilie Samet, the Samet Family Endowment directs funds to experiential learning programs for students at Greensboro Day School.
Lanty Smith Endowment for Math and Science Equipment: Established by his daughters Abby Smith Presson ’88, Meg Smith ’90, and Amanda Smith Lacoff ’93, the fund supports purchases for upper school math and science.
Brad Starr ’87 Memorial Endowments: Established in 1986, the fund supports basketball, baseball, golf, soccer, and field hockey camps for student-athletes. The funds were established by his father, Bill Starr.
The Katherine Rapp Wood ’93 Leadership Endowment: Created in 2018 by Jean and Bob Rapp and named in honor of their daughter, Katherine, this endowment gives the school the ability to fund student leadership opportunities that will give students more experiences to develop leadership skills that will enhance the school’s mission.
Worth Family Endowment: This endowment supports the arts programs at Greensboro Day School. Lauren and David Worth are parents of Alex Worth ’01 and Marshall Worth ’05.
Faculty Development
Faculty Salary Endowment: Income from this fund supports faculty salaries.
The Brooks Endowment for Sabbatical Leave: Established in 1991 by Dr. Jean Brooks (now deceased), mother of Jim Brooks ’77 and Helen Brooks ’80 and grandmother of Taylor Brooks-Murphy ’18, the fund supports a summer sabbatical opportunity for one faculty member each year.
Carla D. Dowler Tradition of Caring Award Endowment: Established in 2005 upon the retirement of Lower School Director Carla Dowler to honor her years of service, and awarded annually to a member of the lower school community (teacher, parent, or other adult) who reflects an approach to learning and life that values kindness and sensitivity to others, a determination to succeed, a love for learning, and an abiding respect for teaching children. Mrs. Dowler’s children are Julie Dowler Shepard ’88 and Jonathan Dowler ’00.
Edward E. Ford Foundation Endowment: The E.E. Ford Foundation provides grants only to independent secondary schools recognized for excellence. Grants from the Foundation have created endowment funds at GDS to support:
- 1987: upper school faculty salaries
- 1994: Internships and professional development for faculty of color
- 1997: Technology and professional development for teachers
James P. Hendrix, Jr. Excellence in Teaching Award: Established in 1986, the fund supports the annual award for excellence in teaching given to a faculty member in honor of our former head of school who served GDS from 1977–1986. Dr. Hendrix is the father of Kellie Hendrix Medford ’82, Erin Hendrix Shackelford ’83, and Max Hendrix ’88.
Charles A. McLendon Faculty and Parent Education Endowment: Established in 2003 by the founding Chairman of the Board of Trustees and his daughter Mary Davis McLendon Smart (a former faculty member), the fund supports a speaker visit for faculty and parent education.
Parents’ Association Endowment Funds: The purpose of the GDS Parents’ Association is to provide parental voice and support for the school, to develop a welcoming climate for all parents, and to work closely with the school in meeting its needs. Through sales and special event fundraising since the school’s founding in 1970, the PA has provided funding for the following endowments:
- Parents’ Association Improvement of Instruction Endowment. Established in 2002, this fund supports yearly professional development activities for the faculty through its annual retreat.
- Parents’ Association Teacher Enrichment Endowment Fund (TEEF). Established in 1993, the fund supports teacher grants primarily for summer travel and study opportunities. As the oldest PA endowment, it is given priority to receive an allocation from any net proceeds raised by the PA in the previous year.
The Scott W. Patterson ’08 Memorial Endowment Fund for Faculty Program Enhancement: Established in 2008 by Scott’s mother Tina Patterson in his memory, the fund enhances professional development for Greensboro Day School faculty.
The Student Support Services Endowment: Established in 2004, income supports ongoing faculty training in student support services.
Webb Endowment for Teaching and Learning: Established in 2019 by Wes Elingburg to honor the 39-year career of Tommy Webb, the Webb Endowment for Teaching and Learning directs funds to faculty development and cross-divisional collaboration. Throughout his career, Tommy Webb advocated for funds to help teachers grow and develop in their profession.
Financial Aid Support
Financial Aid Endowment: Named in Honor of Robert H. Demaree, former Upper School Director and Director of College Guidance, upon his retirement in 2001. Income from this fund is used to provide student financial assistance. All endowment gifts designated for financial assistance, and not directed to another named fund for financial aid, are placed in this fund.
Brenner Endowment for Financial Aid: This fund supports need-based financial aid for students.
The D. Ralph Davison, Jr. Scholarship Endowment: Established to honor Dr. Davison upon his retirement after 20 years of service from 1986–2006 as Head of School, the fund provides tuition support for upper school students who, in addition to qualifying for financial aid, will make an extraordinary contribution to the life of the Greensboro Day School community.
Alumni Silver Anniversary Endowment: Established by the senior class of 1984 and earlier classes of alumni, this fund commemorates the school’s 25th Anniversary. Earnings from this endowment support need-based financial aid.
The William F. Avera Memorial Endowment Fund for Student Financial Aid: This endowment gift was originally made to GDS in 2003 by the Ingrid and William Avera family. In 2011, the fund was permanently named in Will’s memory by Ingrid and their children, Ashley ’07 and William ’10. The purpose of the fund is for student financial aid for upper school students expected to make outstanding efforts in any one of the following areas: academics, extra-curricular activities, leadership, or community involvement.
Lenwood Edwards Endowment Award: Established in 2003 by alumni to honor the school’s first athletic director and coach, the fund provides financial assistance to encourage diversity of the student body. Awards are given to upper school students who are persons of color and who make outstanding efforts in areas including: academics, extra-curricular activities, leadership, and community involvement, with preference to rising seniors.
Edward E. Ford Foundation Endowment: The E.E. Ford Foundation provides grants only to independent secondary schools recognized for excellence. Grants from the Foundation have created endowment funds at GDS to support:
- 2000: financial aid to assist with the purchase of laptops
- 2004: financial aid to better meet the need of our students
Dina and Burney Jennings Endowment: The Jennings family established the endowment in 2021 directing the funds to student financial assistance.
Linda and Maurice Jennings Financial Aid Endowment: In 1990, the Jennings established this endowment to support need-based financial aid. Mr. Jennings is the grandfather of Blake Jennings ’07, Bailey Jennings ’09, Mary Frances Jennings ’12, and John Jennings ’14.
The Kirby Scholars Endowment: The Fred M. Kirby Foundation established the Kirby Scholars Endowment at GDS in 2004. It is awarded annually to a ninth grader with demonstrated financial need who exhibits extraordinary academic achievement and potential and embodies the GDS motto of Friendship, Scholarship, and Sportsmanship. By maintaining at least a 3.0 average, Kirby Scholars are eligible to receive a grant each year for Upper School. The Kirby’s granddaughter Leigh started GDS as a kindergartner and graduated in 2004. The F.M. Kirby Administration Building is named to honor the Kirby Family’s generous financial support of annual, facilities, and endowment giving to GDS.
The Kornfeld Family Endowment for Financial Aid: Established in 1992 by parents Ronda and Ken Kornfeld, the fund supports need-based financial aid.
George Redmond Financial Aid Endowment: To support need-based financial aid, the fund was established in 2001 in memory and honor of Mr. Redmond, who is the grandfather of Patrick Redmond ’10.
Robert D. Satterfield Endowment for Alumni Children: Established to honor the first faculty member upon his retirement in 2007, the fund supports need-based financial aid for alumni children.
Kimberly Susan Bates ’84 Memorial Award Endowment: Established in 1987 by memorial gifts from the GDS community just after Kim’s death, income from this fund provides a stipend to help pay for the recipient’s books and supplies during their senior year. The rising senior winner is announced each spring at Upper School Closing Ceremony.
The Maureen B. Gerhardt Memorial Endowment: Established in 2005 in memory of parent Maureen Gerhardt, this award is given each year at the Upper School Closing to a student who best exemplifies the values of honor, personal integrity, responsible citizenship, and service to the community as articulated in the school’s mission statement. The late Mrs. Gerhardt is the mother of Margaret Gerhardt ’06 and John Gerhardt ’08.
John F. Johnson Scholar-Athlete Endowment: Established in 2002, the fund provides an annual award for a rising senior who exemplifies the dual qualities of outstanding sports participation and studious academic preparation. The late Mr. Johnson is the parent of Athletic Director Fred Johnson and grandfather of Robert Johnson ’05 and Katherine Johnson Willingham '07 and great-grandfather of Cross Johnson '34 and Worth Johnson '37.
The Matthew Kusiak ’10 Memorial Award Fund: Established in 2016, the award is given each year to a student who has a passion and a love for the performing arts and who exhibits initiative, leadership, spirit, and commitment to the GDS theatre program.
The Scott W. Patterson ’08 Memorial History Award Endowment: Established in 2005 in Scott’s memory by family and friends, the award recognizes ninth grade students who have demonstrated a great love for history and the highest level of scholarly achievement.
The Meg Chambers Steedle ’04 Scholar-Artist Award Endowment Fund: Established in 2016 by Meg Chambers Steedle ’04, this fund provides an annual award that recognizes a rising senior student at GDS who has demonstrated dedication and outstanding achievement in both academics and the arts.
The Theodore “Ted” Sturm History Prize Endowment: One of GDS’ oldest funds was established in memory of the father of Laura Sturm Lain ’86 and Rob Sturm ’92 to fund an annual award for excellence in history.
O. B. Teague Handshake Award Endowment: Established in 2001, this award is presented to a faculty coach who has made a difference to the lives of our students, faculty, and coaches. Mr. Teague was the grandfather of Jennifer Teague ’98, Mandy Teague ’98, and Leigh Ann Teague Moffitt ’03.
Mekia S. Valentine ’06 Endowment: Established in 2020 by Leslie Valentine ’92 in memory of her niece, Mekia Valentine ’06, income from this fund will recognize a female student of color in the Upper School who makes outstanding efforts in several of the following areas: academics, extracurricular activities, leadership, and community involvement by financially assisting with the cost of books and/or any additional expenses for the upcoming academic year.
Physical Plant & Maintenance
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Maintenance Endowment: Established in 2008 by Drs. Peter and Christi Dalldorf in honor of Linda Sudnik Register ’79, Jon Schner and Mike Gale, this fund provides for maintenance and replacement of this important medical emergency equipment.
Elingburg Baseball Field Maintenance Fund: Established in 2007 by Cathy and Wes Elingburg, parents of Bengals pitcher Nolan Elingburg ’07, the fund was established to support maintenance of the GDS baseball field on Lake Brandt Road built that year. GDS named the facility Elingburg Baseball Field in recognition of the family’s generous support to build and maintain the baseball field.
The Dillard Athletic Center Endowment: Established in 1999 by Mr. Dillard's wife, the late Frances Marr Dillard, and his daughters Sally Dillard Cohen ’76, Mary Marr Dillard Johnson ’75, and Nancy Dillard Williams. The fund supports improvements to the John H. Dillard Athletic Center. The late Mr. Dillard is the grandfather of Katie Cohen ’08, Lilly Cohen ’10, Robert Johnson ’05, Katherine Johnson ’07, Dillard Williams ’01, and Jackson Williams ’07.
Bucky McCoy Memorial Endowment: Established in 2003, this fund supports maintenance of the basketball floor in Dillard Athletic Center. A former trustee, Mr. McCoy was an active supporter of GDS athletics. He was the father of Leigh McCoy McDearman ’85, Kendall McCoy Harler ’86, and Kevin McCoy ’93. Four of his grandchildren now attend GDS.
Parents’ Association Endowment Funds: The purpose of the GDS Parents’ Association is to provide parental voice and support for the school, to develop a welcoming climate for all parents, and to work closely with the school in meeting its needs. Through sales and special event fundraising since the school’s founding in 1970, the PA has provided funding for the following endowments:
- Parents’ Association Media Center Maintenance Endowment (2003)
- Parents’ Association Outdoor Education Building Maintenance Endowment (2007)
Honor & Memorial Gifts
At Greensboro Day School, the partnership of students, teachers, and parents is paramount in our school community. These relationships can be celebrated with a gift of any amount made in the honor or memory of someone special.
Many donors make their Annual Fund gift in honor of a graduating senior or a remarkable teacher. For all commemorative gifts, the Advancement Office sends a note to the honoree sharing the name and address (the gift amount is never disclosed) of the donor who made the tribute.
Greensboro Day School also offers the opportunity of a lasting tribute, including an inscribed brick, tree, or bench. For more information, please see the Honor & Memorial Gift Program posted on this page.
Planned Giving
The Charles McLendon Founders Society recognizes those who have made Greensboro Day School part of their estate plan.
Gifts are designated or restricted according to the donor’s wishes. Most often, donors choose to direct planned estate gifts to the school’s permanent endowment, or to provide their own named endowment fund for a specific purpose. The generosity of these individuals helps ensure that GDS will be able to provide an unsurpassed education on a state-of-the-art campus for years to come.
Honor Roll
The following generously provided gifts for Greensboro Day School through their estates.
Carlton Harris (d. 2003)
Jean Brooks (d. 2006)
Charles A. McLendon, Jr. (d. 2008)
Sion A. Boney (d. 2010)
Emma Poindexter (d. 2016)
James S. Schenck III (d. 2020)
Marion Follin (d. 2021)
FM Kirby III (d. 2021)
Anonymous (25)
Mary and Jeff Beach
Anita G. Bradford and
Jabari Bradford ’11
Dora and Bruce Brodie
Geoff Campbell
Tracie Catlett
Lisa and Ed Cone ’80
Mary Copeland ’79
Jean and Ralph Davison
Keith Gilliard
Marcy Gilliard
R. Ross Harris
Gail and Gene LeBauer
Dottie B. and Billy Nutt
Tina Patterson
Meredith and John G. Scott, Jr. ’90
Ruthie and Alan Tutterow
Thomas H. Webb
David Worth
Ann and Benjamin Zuraw
Charles McLendon
Matching Gifts
Let your company double or triple your impact!
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs to match charitable contributions made by their employees. Gifts from employees’ spouses and retirees may also qualify for a match. Search to find out if your employer has a matching gift program.
If you volunteer with us, your company may also offer a volunteer grant program.
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