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Introducing Greensboro Day School’s Strategic Vision for 2025–2030

Introducing Greensboro Day School’s Strategic Vision for 2025–2030

At the State of the School on January 22, Head of School Dr. Tracie Catlett walked attendees through the School’s Strategic Vision: Our Journey to Purpose and Impact. This Strategic Vision is designed to establish Greensboro Day School as a national leader in independent school excellence and innovation where students reach their full potential, live with purpose, and create a lasting impact on the world.

This Strategic Vision was developed over nine months through an inclusive, iterative, and human-centered process that involved focus groups, surveys, discussions, and working meetings. We are grateful to all the community members who contributed to this process and to the work of the Strategic Visioning Committee: Durant Bell ’98, John King ’87, Denise Roth, Bill Smith, Tracie Catlett, Kristen Tuma, Michael Welter, and Katelyn Williams. In the coming weeks, we will launch a new page on our website featuring the Strategic Vision.